To test the noise floor one images freshly cleaved mica. The image is a 25 nm scan of V4 mica in contact mode with nearly zero normal force-- i.e. no deflection. Image drift has been minimized by scanning for an extended period to eliminate any piezo hysteresis and to allow the sample mounting to fully relax. The Z-limit has been set to its minimum value for maximum Z-piezo digital resolution. A sharpened Veeco SiN DNP-S probe with 0.12 N/m spring constant was used.
Note that some period structure is visible through the noise. 2D Fourier transform of the image shows significant noise bands in the vertical direction-- i.e. the slow scan direction-- which prevents spectral filtering and recovering of a high resolution atomic level image. The roughness, Ra, is 0.95 Å which is a bit above the spec'd noise floor of 0.75 Å.

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